Yes ladies and gentleman, this was the best Rally I have ever attended. Crowd estimates range from 23,000 to 25,000 people. It was a sea of red for Senator McCain. You could tell he was totally pumped up!
- Fairfax's favorite son Congressman Tom Davis MC'd the event and provided introductions. One speaker included a woman who is a Democrat and was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton, but now supports McCain Palin because of the way she felt her party (Dems) and how the Mainstream media treated Senator Clinton so unfairly.
- Next, Senator Fred Thompson warmed up the crowd. He was TOTALLY Awesome! I mean FDT rocked the House.
- Then with the theme of Rocky - The Eye of the Tiger blaring..... came out all four: Senator John McCain, Cindy McCain, Governor Sarah Palin and her husband, 4-Time World Champion Snow Machine Racer Todd.
- The crowd rocked. You just had to be there to see Fairfax City bathed in a Sea of Red. So awesome. More pictures to come.
- Write this down, today made history, 9-10-08, this is the day that the 2008 election cycle turned a major corner in favor of McCain-Palin in Virginia. Having worked for Senator MCain and Rep. Goodlatte in Va's 6th District, we are solid in RoVa. If McCain-Palin can pull a draw in NoVa, Game, Set, Match!
- At this rate, Obama is imploding over his terrible remarks about Governor Sarah Palin, it should not be long. Actually, I kind of love watching these Dems in Panic Mode trying to smear Governor Palin because---news flash---it is only going to work against them.
- Oh and would love to hear more from the Mainstream Liberal Media about Obama's requests for $930M in earmarks and more about Senator "I love Earmarks" Biden.
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