Monday, September 29, 2008

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi Poisons the Well and Ruins Any Chance of Stabilizing Financial Markets

Democrat-Controlled Congress and Speaker Pelosi’s Partisanship Costs the Country - BIG TIME!
September 29, 2008

(Washington, DC) - House leaders held open the vote as they tried to sway reluctant lawmakers to support the plan, which failed 205-228...

Speaker Pelosi's Partisan Speech From The Well Of The House Of Representatives Attacking Republicans Turned Off Potential Republican Votes. "Opponents said part of the reason for the opposition from Republicans was what they termed a partisan speech by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said one GOP source. 'Pelosi's partisan speech has caused our members to go berserk and may cost us any remaining chance to pass the bill,' the source said.

Pelosi had said that Congress needed to pass the bill, even though it was an outgrowth of the 'failed economic policies' of the last eight years. 'When was the last time someone asked you for $700 billion?' she asked. 'It is a number that is staggering, but tells us only the costs of the Bush administration's failed economic policies – policies built on budgetary recklessness, on an anything goes mentality, with no regulation, no supervision, and no discipline in the system.'"

(For more info., click "House Defeats Wall Street Bailout Bill," 9/29/08)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Press Conference TODAY: Sen. McCain's Leadership on Economic Restructuring Plan

State Senators Frank Ruff and Steve Martin to Hold Press Conference in Richmond Today
For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office
Friday, September 26, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- The McCain-Palin campaign will hold a press conference today with State Senators Frank Ruff and Steve Martin to discuss John McCain's leadership in Washington on the economic restructuring plan. Sen. McCain is working for the best possible outcome and working to ensure that taxpayers are protected in any potential deal.

Friday, September 26, 2008


WHO: State Senator Frank Ruff (R-Southside VA)
State Senator Steve Martin (R-Chesterfield)

WHAT: Press Conference

WHEN: Friday, September 26, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. EDT

WHERE: House Media Briefing Room, First Floor
General Assembly Building
Capitol Square
Richmond, VA

McCain Will Attend Debate and Then Return to Capitol For Negotiations

Statement By McCain Campaign On Negotiations
From the McCain '08 Newsroom
Sept. 26, 2008

...The difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was apparent during the White House meeting yesterday where Barack Obama’s priority was political posturing in his opening monologue defending the package as it stands. John McCain listened to all sides so he could help focus the debate on finding a bipartisan resolution that is in the interest of taxpayers and homeowners. The Democratic interests stood together in opposition to an agreement that would accommodate additional taxpayer protections.

Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the Administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans. The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.

McCain Continues to Lead and Put Country First; Obama Continues to Posture

You have to just love Rep. Barney Frank's love connection with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Sen. Chuck Schumer loved pontificating yesterday how the Dems would like to dole out $700B dollars of our taxpayer money. Excuse me gentlemen, but I am sure the former Democrat heads of these Gov't Sponsored Entities and their significant campaign donations to you and Sen. Obama had nothing to do with your efforts to keep oversight away from them?

As the Bush Administration and the-then Chairman of the Fed Reserve, Alan Greenspan, began raising flags as early as 2001, about the troubles of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, don't blame the GOP. When legislation, in part crafted by Senator McCain, was raised to stem the fraud led by Democrats at Fannie Mae, who else other than Rep. Barney Frank conveyed at a Congressional hearing that there was NO CRISIS. Specifically, read this from Sept. 2003:

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''
Why you ask would a Democrat downplay the chance for more Federal oversight? Campaign donations could very well be the answer.
That is how reality works here in Washington, DC. Think about it, why would Senator Harry Reid and the Democrats NOT want more BIG government oversight of anything? $$? By this example, you can see how money clouds/corrupts Washington.
Does anyone remember why France and Russia would not sign off on the UN Security Council Resolution over further involvement in Iraq? Those two countries were in bed with Saddam Hussein over oil contracts! We now know that in hindsight, but we did not know that at the time. Now, we can pull back the wool over our eyes and see why nothing was done over these two institutions for nearly seven years: Democrat opposition and filibustering. I expect DOJ to continue investigating these Fannie Mae directors and officers and so we may learn more yet.

Having successfully stalled Republican efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and add oversight in 2003, Rep. Frank and the Democrat Leadership have brought us to where we are today.

It is up to a true leader to give it his all 100% to get us out of this mess. I know Senator McCain is doing his best to satisfy the 70% of the American public who DO NOT WANT to pay $3,000 per person for this bail out the Wall Street fatcats who paid off Washington and reward those who knowingly made poor choices by signing up for mortgages they knew they could not afford.
Only Senator McCain has the bipartisan track record to assist us reach a compromise with the House Republican leadership and those few remaining fiscally conservative Republican Senators who are trying to take a measured approach.

Good luck Sen. McCain setting up a framework to get things done.
Statement On Washington Mutual
From the McCain '08 Newsroom
For Immediate Release
September 26, 2008
Contact: Press Office

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain today issued the following statement on Washington Mutual:
"Today's financial crisis threatens all Americans and the sale of Washington Mutual is just the latest indicator of the stresses in our financial markets that threaten to cut off the credit needed by our families, businesses, and state and local governments. I am committed to working with all parties of good faith in both houses of Congress, the Administration, and among Democrats and Republicans to reach an agreement to stabilize our financial markets. We can do so in a timely and effective fashion while protecting the taxpayer from excessive demands on their strained checkbooks. It is our obligation to restore the confidence of Americans in these valuable institutions, and demonstrate to taxpayers that Washington will be capable of addressing great national problems."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama Fails to Lead for Virginians During this Crucial Financial Crisis

The differences between Senator McCain's and Obama’s responses to the Financial Crisis are stark.

Back in March 2008, when America was focusing on the Bear-Stearns bail out, Barack Obama really had no response to a Forbes Magazine request on what he planned to do and when interviewed about it by the Chicago Tribune, Obama conveyed Yes! Bailouts are O.K. to aide in a cascading decline in credit markets, but then right after that he says Bailouts are not O.K. because we don't want to hurt healthy companies in such a cascading decline in credit markets.

What is it Senator Obama? Yes or No? I haven't heard any clarity from your camp this week either and you have six months to figure it out!

It was evident then as it is now, that Obama simply didn’t know about the Fed's intervention and as you can see below contradicted himself in the same statement. Is that even possible? Yes it is when you are not ready to lead. Ask Joe Biden he agreed in the Democrat Primary debate that Obama does not have the experience to be President.

Bear Stearns: What the Candidates Say
March 2008

...Barack Obama’s representatives have not returned calls for comments [on the Bear Stearns crisis], but he addressed the matter in an interview with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune on Friday:
While Sen. Barack Obama said he is generally wary of government intervention to bail out struggling banks, such as the move by the Federal Reserve Friday aimed at preventing a collapse of Bear Stearns Co., he said exceptions can be made in an effort to prevent "a cascading decline in credit markets."

Obama…said he did not yet know enough about the Fed's intervention…"What you don't want is a cascading decline in credit markets across the board with the companies that were sound, and the credits that were sound, being punished as well," Obama said....

When you don't have the experience to lead and you Vote Present more often than you take a position, as Obama has done as a Senator, you cannot Lead America through a crisis.

Virginia: Obama cannot lead. As you can see, six months later and Obama STILL does not understand the Paulson-Bernanke plan or what is at stake for our U.S. credit markets.

Counter that indecision with Senator McCain's Jobs for America plan and his strong statements quoted by the LA Times showing that we need accountability, an advisory and oversight board and no blank check:

John McCain Calls for Accountability in Bailout Plan
McCain says it includes no oversight of Treasury's Henry Paulson and suggests a board headed by Warren Buffett, Mitt Romney or Michael Bloomberg. He also decries golden parachutes for failed CEOs.
By Bob Drogin and Johanna Neuman, Los Angeles Times
September 22, 2008 (Article Excerpts)
SCRANTON, Pa. -- With the Bush administration trying to hurry through Congress the $700-billion package to bail out Wall Street and bolster the U.S. economy, Republican John McCain said he was "greatly concerned" about a plan that gives Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson "the unprecedented power to spend $1 trillion without any meaningful accountability."

At the Irish-American presidential forum in this battleground state, McCain said that the plan being discussed today in Washington gives too much power to Paulson.

"Never before in the history of our nation has so much power and money been concentrated in the hands of one person," he said. "We will not solve a problem caused by poor oversight with a plan that has no oversight."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Virginian-Pilot: Poll Shows Stunning Lack of Progress for Obama Winning Over Hillary Clinton Supporters

This poll says a lot about how off the chart Obama-Biden are compared to the rest of America. Americans want to support candidates who share their American Values, not the tired old liberal ideology that existed before President Clinton.

Poll: Obama struggling to win over Clinton voters
Excerpt from The Virginian-Pilot (
Sep 23, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Barack Obama's support from backers of Hillary Rodham Clinton is stuck smack where it was in June, a poll showed Tuesday, a stunning lack of progress that is weakening him with fellow Democrats in the close presidential race.

An Associated Press-Yahoo News poll shows that among adults who backed his rival [Hillary Clinton] during their bitter primary campaign, 58 percent now support Obama. That is the same percentage who said so in June, when Clinton ended her bid and urged her backers to line up behind the Democratic senator from Illinois.
The share of Clinton supporters saying they'll vote for McCain edged up from 21 percent to 28 percent, with the number of undecided staying constant, according to the survey, conducted by Knowledge Networks.
Yet they [Clinton supporters] find Obama less likable, honest, experienced and inspiring than Democrats overall do, and have a better view of McCain. And while majorities of Clinton supporters say Obama shares their values and understands ordinary Americans, they're less likely to say so than Democrats overall.

"It's just a gut feeling, my gut tells me he's not it," Leslye Burgess, 53, a federal Treasury Department manager and Clinton supporter from Fairfax, Va., said of Obama.

McCain-Palin Will Protect SW Virginia Coal Jobs and Promote Clean Coal Technology

McCain-Palin Campaign Announces Coalition to Protect Coal Jobs

For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- Congresswoman Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV), former Virginia Governor and Senator George Allen, former Congressman Scott McInnis (R-CO) and RNC Chairman Mike Duncan will announce the McCain-Palin campaign's Coalition to Protect Coal Jobs, a nationwide group including members of Congress, state government and other influential leaders. The coalition will help spread the message about the importance of clean coal technology and the advantages of tapping the country's vast coal reserves. As part of John McCain's "all of the above" energy plan, the Lexington Project, clean coal will be a strong component of the drive to energy independence. In addition to providing domestic energy, the coal industry is a key part of the economy in several states.

John McCain's support for clean coal technology is in sharp contrast to that of his opponents. Joe Biden visited Virginia on Saturday, saying that he was a "hard-coal miner" and that it was "nice to be back in coal country" while Obama supporter, Congressman Rick Boucher (D-VA) said "Senator Obama's a friend of coal."
But just two days later in Ohio, Senator Biden said he wants "no coal plants here in America" and that he and Senator Obama are "not supporting clean coal."

CBS News: Biden Acknowledges Obama's Latest Ad Mocking McCain is "Terrible!"

Click above or click here to see Joe Biden admitting that the Negative Attacks mentioned in Obama's Computer Ad Mocking John McCain's partial disability in his fingers for not being able to type out emails are just terrible. As a POW, Senator McCain suffered numerous injuries, including fractured fingers, from torture by his communist captors. Joe Biden also mentions he was unaware that the Obama [Chicago Machine] would run such a [trashy] ad! Click here for a FoxNews report on Obama's mocking ad of Senator McCain.

Note to Obama: Based on your past with Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers, you should have Chosen a V.P. who is not so Honest!

Latest Polls: McCain-Palin Continue to Lead in Virginia

Beyond a consistent, but narrow lead in the Commonwealth, the McCain-Palin ticket continues to lead in Florida and Ohio outside the margin of error. This is great news for Virginia, Michigan and Pennsylvania. With Florida and Ohio seemingly secured at over 50% and outside the margin of error, the McCain campaign can focus on the toss up states!

Having visited Florida this past week, the feet on the ground have confirmed to me it feels much more like 2004 than 2000 and I saw it first hand. Meaning this year's recount state will not be Florida, but rather MI, PA or VA. Based on what I am hearing on certain college campuses, however, I am somewhat troubled. Let's hope that potential non-U.S. citizen, foreign students who attend colleges in certain States are not successfully registering in that State to vote using their school addresses rather than their home foreign country addresses.

Anyway, to the good news (h/t RCP):

Virginia: 9-21-08 (500 LV) (FoxNews/Rasmussen)
McCain-Palin 50%
Obama-Biden 48%

Florida: 9-21-08 (500 LV) (FoxNews/Rasmussen)
McCain-Palin 51%
Obama-Biden 46%

Ohio: 9-21-08 (500 LV) (FoxNews/Rasmussen)
McCain-Palin 50%
Obama-Biden 46%

New Hampshire: 9-21-08 (523 LV) (Univ. of New Hampshire)
McCain-Palin 47%
Obama-Biden 45%

Michigan: 9-17-08 (602 LV) (Detroit News)
Obama-Biden 43%
McCain-Palin 42%

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SAVE-THE-DATE: 10-4-08 Future Leaders for McCain GOTV Effort in Fairfax County

October 4, 2008

Please make sure and Save-the-Date for this Fairfax County GOTV Extravaganza. Details will follow, but for now we will be mounting a significant effort to support the McCain-Palin ticket with our Future Leaders for McCain Coalition. We will meet in Fairfax County (location TBD) at 9:00am and Orange Line Metro Pick-Up will be available.
If interested in more information, please email here.

LA Times: Obama Campaign in Utter Disarray

Yes friends, this LA Times article is probably the best article I have read in a few weeks. Jonah Goldberg at the LA Times does an excellent job at calling out what is truly going on here behind Obama's new negative ad that demonstrates why the Dems are in utter disarray.
What I find so personally offensive about Obama's latest ad is that as Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Senator McCain knows more about telecom, the Internet and technology, than probably anyone who has run for President including Mr. Al "I invented the Internet" Gore. To say anything different is truly an intentional distortion. Read this entire article for back-up as to why certain Obama supporters in 2000 were saying then that McCain was Internet Savvy and well-versed in the uses of Technology. Just look at the McCain campaign's use of Facebook, meet ups and the like, this is not someone unfamiliar with the Internet.

More importantly, Obama had to run this disrespectful TV ad now in certain swing states because Obama has seen as much as a 10-point polling loss in those states because of his old guard pre-Clinton liberal ideology as compared to the McCain/Palin reform ticket. Obama thinks his ad proves McCain is out of touch! I think it proves Obama is out of touch because Americans do not like when someone Disrespects Our Veterans, Our Leaders and Real American Heroes. If you can't tell, these ads have fired me up and will fire up our Veterans in Hampton Roads and NoVa who do not like one of their own getting picked on.

E-mail to Obama: dishonest TV ad, wrong audience
The Democrat's latest attack on John McCain takes poor aim at his age and knowledge of technology.

Excerpt from Los Angeles Times
By: Jonah Goldberg
September 16, 2008

After running a brilliant and historic primary battle to defeat Hillary Clinton, the Obama campaign is now in disarray. Why?

Perhaps it's because Barack Obama has never run a competitive race against a Republican. After all, Obama won his U.S. Senate seat in Illinois by running against Alan Keyes, a fire-and-brimstone, right-wing black carpetbagger from Maryland (or perhaps Mars) who had no real ties to Illinois.

Now, facing John McCain's blistering ads, Obama seems unable to fight fire with fire. The Democratic rank and file are furious (while simultaneously denouncing McCain's negativity). Obama, they may be realizing, doesn't know how to close the deal.
To prove his new found determination to go bare knuckle against McCain, Obama unveiled a new TV ad, to air in key states...[that includes the]...charge of computer illiteracy and the blatant attempt to attack McCain as too old for the job -- and that speaks volumes.
One reason McCain is not versed in the mechanical details of sending e-mail and typing on a keyboard is that the North Vietnamese broke his fingers and shattered both of his arms. As Forbes, Slate and the Boston Globe reported in 2000, McCain's injuries make using a keyboard painfully laborious. He mostly relies on his wife and staff to show him e-mails and websites, though he says he's getting up to speed."

It's extraordinary," Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said, "that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn't know how to send an e-mail."

For the record, President Clinton sent exactly two e-mails while in office, according to the archives in his presidential library. Besides, by this logic, Obama is even less qualified to be commander in chief because, unlike McCain, Obama has never fired a gun, flown a plane or led men during wartime.

(h/t RCP)

Monday, September 15, 2008

McCain Continues to Gain: Latest Swing State Results from FOX/Ramussen

Things are looking very good with these polls. Virginia continues to be a toss-up, but things are moving in our favor. With Michigan and now Pennsylvania in play, either one of those two States seals the deal for McCain/Palin. Colorado's lead is a new welcome trend that undoes most of Obama's efforts and $millions. As I have discussed before, Florida is a done deal. Ohio continues to look better and better.

Swing State Polling from Rasmussen Reports/Fox
Monday, September 15, 2008

Polling in Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia shows marginal gains for McCain in three states and for Obama in two. McCain has a slight advantage in three of the five states and the other two are tied. However, in only one state does the gap between McCain and Obama exceed three percentage points in polls with a four-and-a-half percentage point margin of sampling error.

The overriding message from these results is that the race remains very close with just over seven weeks to go.

The biggest change is found in Colorado where it’s now McCain 48% and Obama 46%. A week ago, Obama had a three-point edge in this western state. The current results are similar to the Rasmussen Reports Colorado polling conducted in August, just before the Democratic convention was held in Denver....

Colorado - McCain Up By 2%, 9-14-08 (Trending Up!)
McCain/Palin 48%
Obama/Biden 46%

Florida - McCain Up By 5%, 9-14-08 (Oh Yeah outside MoE!)
McCain/Plain 49%
Obama/Biden 44%

Ohio - McCain Up By 3%, 9-14-08 (Solid!)
McCain/Palin 48%
Obama/Biden 45%

Pennsylvania - All Tied Up, 9-14-08 (Love Pat's Steaks 9th and Wharton!)
McCain/Palin 47%
Obama/Biden 47%

Virginia - All Tied Up, 9-14-08 (Will Personally Bring This One Home!)
McCain/Palin 48%
Obama/Biden 48%

The Big Apple Surprise: Clinton & UpState Vote Make McCain/Palin Competitive in New York

Amid the turmoil taking place on Wall Street and Senator McCain's strong and firm response to this crisis, Siena College released its latest New York General Election Statewide Poll and the progress for McCain-Palin is undeniable. The first Post-GOP Convention poll of likely voters in New York shows that New Yorkers give Obama/Biden only a slight edge of +5% over McCain/Palin!

Led by America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, McCain's Surrogates in New York and Senator McCain's attention to the financial markets will continue to make this race even more competitive. With another NY poll confirming such marked progress, this may be something to remember as we hit 50 days left. Maybe not, but then again, this is very encouraging. Check the progress on bringing moderates and snake bitten Hillary supporters across the line below:

Siena (NY) Polling Results:
9/10/08---Obama/Biden 46% v. McCain/Palin 41% (only -5% down)
8/14/08---Obama 47% v. McCain 39% (-8%)
7/29/08---Obama 44% v. MCain 26% (-18%)

With New York on all of our minds today with the Banking Crisis, Senator McCain released the following video and statement:

Statement By John McCain On The Financial Markets
For Immediate Release
September 15, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement on the situation in the financial markets:

"The crisis in our financial markets has taken an enormous toll on our economy and the American people -- first the decline of our housing markets followed by the collapse of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now Lehman Brothers. I am glad to see that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have said no to using taxpayer money to bailout Lehman Brothers, a position I have spoken about throughout this campaign. We are carefully monitoring the financial markets, including the duress at Lehman Brothers that is the latest reminder of ineffective regulation and management. Efforts must also be focused on ensuring that the deposits of hardworking Americans are protected.

"It is essential for us to make sure that the U.S. remains the pre-eminent financial market of the world. This will be a highest priority of my Administration. In order to do this, major reform must be made in Washington and on Wall Street. We cannot tolerate a system that handicaps our markets and our banks and places at risk the savings of hard-working Americans and investors. The McCain-Palin Administration will replace the outdated and ineffective patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight in Washington and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street. We will rebuild confidence in our markets and restore our leadership in the financial world."

More good news for the McCain Camp: Ohio Solidifying and Minnesota Now Tied

Two Latest Ohio State Polls have the McCain-Palin ticket up by +4% outside the margin of error and Minnesota is now all tied up at 45% each. With the help of a truly Reform Ticket that will change Washington led by Senator McCain, Independents moving toward supporting the McCain-Palin ticket and the excitment and enthusiasm brought to the ticket by Governor Palin, we should expect these polls to continue to tighten. (h/t RCP)

University of Cincinnati Poll Shows Ohio is For McCain-Palin
September 12, 2008
McCain/Palin 48% Obama/Biden 44%

Suffolk poll shows McCain leading Obama 46%-42% in Ohio
By Jessica Fargen
Monday, September 15, 2008

Sen. John McCain leads Sen. Barack Obama by a slim margin in the key battleground state of Ohio, where voters say they trust McCain more than Obama and identify the most with hockey mom Sarah Palin, according to a Suffolk University poll out this morning.

The GOP “maverick” ticket of McCain and Alaska Gov. Palin led Democrat Obama and his vice president pick, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden 46 percent to 42 percent in the general election - just 56 days away, according to a poll of likely Buckeye state voters.

Likely voters told pollsters they trust McCain more than Obama - 49 percent to 41 percent.


Minnesota Poll: Obama, McCain are dead even at 45% in state
Barack Obama and John McCain are tied with 45 percent support, raising the stakes in the campaign.

Last update: September 15, 2008

Minnesota has become a battleground in a presidential campaign that has dramatically tightened nationwide.

A new Star Tribune Minnesota Poll shows that the race is now a dead heat between Barack Obama and John McCain, each supported by 45 percent of likely voters in the state.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Game Changer: McCain/Palin Take First Lead in Michigan

Yes, We Lead in Michigan! This is a GREAT DAY for Team McCain!

After the great news about the Western Surge, where voters from Washington State and New Mexico are now siding with the McCain/Palin Ticket because they believe in the message of Bringing Reform to Washington, DC and that the McCain/Palin ticket can work with the other side of the aisle.

Now, we receive this great news in a just released poll from Insider Advantage that John McCain and Sarah Palin have taken their first lead as a ticket in Michgan!
Insider Advantage/Poll Position (h/t Real Clear Politics)
State of Michigan General Election Poll
Date of Interview September 10, 2008
503 Likely Voters

McCain/Palin 45%
If that weren't enough, check out the latest National Polls! McCain/Palin lead by 3% or 4% in each National Poll!

Gallup Tracking (09/09/08 - 09/11/08); 2726 Registered Voters
McCain/Palin 48%
Obama/Biden 45%
Rasmussen Tracking (09/09/08 - 09/11/08); 3000 Likely Voters
McCain/Palin 48%
Obama/Biden 45%
Associated Press/GfK (09/05/08 - 09/10/08); 812 Likely Voters
McCain/Palin 48%
Obama/Biden 44%
FOX News (09/08/08 - 09/09/08); 900 Registered Voters
McCain/Palin 45%
Obama/Biden 42%

Blogger Buzz: McCain-Palin Experience Strong Western "Surge;" Obama/Biden Begin to Crumble in West

(Scene from yesterday's (9-11-08) visit to NYC by Senator McCain with wife Cindy greeting first responders and thanking them for their service. It is that Country First, Serve Others attitude that is catching on here, there and out West. The pic is courtesy of Meghan McCain's - love her blog, check it out, oh and she is a Scorpio.)
Yes Senator Obama, although you and the Hard Left, MSNBC, Pelosi and Harry Reid and other Liberal Elitists continue to deny that the "Surge" and our Troops have been a Complete Success in Iraq, the people of the Great NW and Mountain West (and Virginia of course) have taken notice and certain chickens are coming home to roost!
Check out the SURGE of Support for McCain-Palin in the Western States.
I predict Obama-Biden will start to crumble as now they have lost any prospect in the West and now may very well lose Oregon and Washington State! The best part is that the GOP can now get a little more aggressive and go on the offense to secure Virginia and work even harder in WA, OR, MI, PA and NH!
Oh and by the way, I just loved the line from Senator Joe Biden who admitted yesterday that Obama made a huge error in judgment by selecting him over Senator Hillary Clinton to be his No. 2. Way to support the Team - Joe!
Anyway, now to the point of this post, check out these phenomenal polling results, released only moments ago from the Rasmussen Reports:

Washington State (+10% change in favor of McCain/Palin and Only Down by -2%)
Sept. 10, 2008: McCain/Palin--47%; Obama/Biden--49%
Aug. 6, 2008: McCain-----------40%; Obama----------52%
Montana (+10% change in favor of McCain/Palin and Lead by +11%)
Sept. 9, 2008: McCain/Palin---53%; Obama/Biden--42%
July 29, 2008: McCain----------45%; Obama----------44%
New Mexico (+8% change in favor of McCain/Palin and Lead by +2%)
Sept. 8, 2008: McCain/Palin---49%; Obama/Biden--47%
Aug. 20, 2008: McCain---------41%; Obama----------47%
North Dakota (+12% change in favor of McCain/Palin and Lead by +14% (WOW!))
Sept. 8, 2008: McCain/Palin--55%; Obama/Biden--41%
July 8 , 2008: McCain----------43%; Obama---------43%

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Toss Up States Other than VA in Play for McCain-Palin

Complimenting the resident Maverick John McCain, with the addition of Sarah Palin to the ticket, a number of states are now clearly in play.

The following are the 10 Toss-Up States that will decide this election in order of my best guesstimate of McCain-Palin winning in November:
  • #1 Virginia (in '04 GOP) After today, Confidence Building Here - Good chance to Keep Red in '08
  • #2 Florida (in '04 GOP) No doubt in my mind WILL be Red in'08
  • #3 Ohio (in '04 GOP) Close, but Great Chance to Keep Red in '08
  • #4 Nevada (in '04 GOP) Close, but Good Chance to Keep Red in '08, but close.
  • #5 Colorado (in '04 GOP)Close, but Good chance to Keep Red in '08
  • #6 New Hampshire (in '04 barely DEM 1%) Great chance to Turn Red in '08 (latest poll BHO up by only +1%) Best Chance of Flipping from Blue to Red
  • #7 Pennsylvania (in '04 barely DEM 2%) Great chance with Palin to Turn PA Red (latest poll BHO up by only +2%) Second Best Chance of Flipping from Blue to Red
  • #8 Michigan (in '04 barely DEM 3%) With terrible economy from Dem Governor, we have a decent chance to Turn Michigan Red in '08 (latest poll BHO up by +5%)
  • #9 Washington (State) (in '04 DEM) Best Chance of a Total Surprise Win would be Washington, thanks in part to Palin.
  • #10 Oregon (in' 04 DEM) Fair Chance of Pulling a Surprise for GOP in '08, also in part because of Palin.

McCain-Palin are Fighting Back Against the Obama Smear Machine Against Women

Click above or click here to View this New McCain-Palin Ad: Fact Check - Fighting Back Against the Obama Smear Campaign!

Although the Obama Smear Machine may have been commissioned at the Holy Site of Barackopolis otherwise known as the Temple of Obama in Denver, their phony nature and attacks on women will be realized by the American public and especially soccer moms in Northern Virginia and Delaware and Montgomery Counties in Pennsylvania! Enough is right Barack, but enough of YOUR attacks. So much for Obama's "different" style of politics, you - Barack Obama are the one doing the Swift Boating! Name one Democrat you have ever opposed on anything or any example where you, Obama, have reached across the aisle to move us forward?? waiting... That's what we thought, you won't bring change Obama, you will bring in the tired pre-Clinton old boy network liberal rhetoric that this country left behind many years ago.

McCain-Palin 2008 Launches New TV Ad: "Fact Check"
From the McCain '08 Newsroom
For Immediate Release

September 10, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, McCain-Palin 2008 released its latest television ad, entitled "Fact Check." The ad highlights the Obama campaign's efforts to smear Governor Sarah Palin by peddling in rumors and airdropping operatives into Alaska to dig up dirt. The ad will air in key states.... Attacks On Governor Palin "Are Completely False, Or Misleading." "We've been flooded for the past few days with queries about dubious Internet postings and mass e-mail messages making claims about McCain's running mate, Gov. Palin. We find that many are completely false, or misleading." (Brooks Jackson, Jessica Henig, Emi Kolawole, Joe Miller and Lori Robertson, "Sliming Palin,",, 9/8/08)

The Obama Campaign Sent Out "Nearly A Dozen Different Press Releases"
Hitting Governor Palin. "Former New York Mayor Ed Koch, as part of his endorsement of Obama, said Palin 'scares the hell out of me.' And Obama hit Palin in nearly a dozen different press releases one day after drawing laughs at a campaign stop by calling her a 'moose shooter.'" (Jim Vandehei & Mike Allen, "Obama, Dems Sharpen Personal Attacks On Palin," Politico,, 9/10/08)

Today's McCain-Palin Northern Virginia Rally a Huge Hit!

(Scene from today's NoVa Rally in the City of Fairfax: Senator McCain with wife, Cindy and Governor Sarah Palin with her hubby, Todd. )

Yes ladies and gentleman, this was the best Rally I have ever attended. Crowd estimates range from 23,000 to 25,000 people. It was a sea of red for Senator McCain. You could tell he was totally pumped up!
  • Fairfax's favorite son Congressman Tom Davis MC'd the event and provided introductions. One speaker included a woman who is a Democrat and was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton, but now supports McCain Palin because of the way she felt her party (Dems) and how the Mainstream media treated Senator Clinton so unfairly.
  • Next, Senator Fred Thompson warmed up the crowd. He was TOTALLY Awesome! I mean FDT rocked the House.
  • Then with the theme of Rocky - The Eye of the Tiger blaring..... came out all four: Senator John McCain, Cindy McCain, Governor Sarah Palin and her husband, 4-Time World Champion Snow Machine Racer Todd.
  • The crowd rocked. You just had to be there to see Fairfax City bathed in a Sea of Red. So awesome. More pictures to come.
  • Write this down, today made history, 9-10-08, this is the day that the 2008 election cycle turned a major corner in favor of McCain-Palin in Virginia. Having worked for Senator MCain and Rep. Goodlatte in Va's 6th District, we are solid in RoVa. If McCain-Palin can pull a draw in NoVa, Game, Set, Match!
  • At this rate, Obama is imploding over his terrible remarks about Governor Sarah Palin, it should not be long. Actually, I kind of love watching these Dems in Panic Mode trying to smear Governor Palin because---news flash---it is only going to work against them.
  • Oh and would love to hear more from the Mainstream Liberal Media about Obama's requests for $930M in earmarks and more about Senator "I love Earmarks" Biden.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hot Off The Press ABC News Reporting: Obama Infers Sarah Palin is a Pig and Old Fish!

This is simply outrageous! As you can read below, Barack Obama when addressing the SW VA crowd today in Lebanon, VA played off Governor Palin's line about the difference between a bulldog and hockey mom is lipstick, by referring to a pig wearing lipstick and an old stinky fish.

Does the Obama camp really need to ask why Hillary Rodham Clinton will not enter a cat fight with Governor Palin? It is these anti-woman statement and tactics that Senator Clinton will not stoop to...

The Democrat ticket has reached a new low, led by Barack Obama. Obama should apologize to Governor Palin immediately! If this was McCain or a Republican the Liberal Media would be all over this!

Obama Says McCain Is Offering Fake Change: 'You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig, But It's Still a Pig'
September 09, 2008 6:10 PM
Lee Speigel, ABC News
Political Punch
LEBANON, Va. -- "That's not change," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering.

"You know, you can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said, "but it's still a pig."

The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,'" Obama continued, "it's still gonna stink after eight years.


- Jake Tapper and Sunlen Miller
ABC News

New Rasmussen Virginia Polling Results Show McCain Leads Obama by +11% with Virginia Independents

Rasmussen Election 2008 Polling Results: Virginia Presidential Election
Virginia: McCain 49% Obama 47%

Monday, September 08, 2008

The latest Fox News/Rasmussen Reports telephone in the state shows:

Who Virginia Voters support for President
McCain 49%
Obama 47%

Virginians with a Favorable/Unfavorable View of the Candidate
McCain 59% / 40% (+19%)
Obama only 57% / 44% (+13%)

Who Unaffiliated Virginia Voters Support for President (Big Number here +11%)
McCain 50%
Obama only 39%

Who Virginia Voters Trust
McCain 50%
Obama only 44%

Who Unaffiliated Virginia Voters Trust
McCain 54%

Who Virginia Voters would be UNcomfortable with becoming President
Obama 38%

Who Virginia Voters would ask for advice if faced with the toughest decision of their lives
McCain 50%
Obama only 44%

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gallup Shows 13-point Convention Shift for McCain-Palin Ticket

As incredible as this sounds, what I and others were seeing and feeling on Wednesday and Thursday nights has become reality. Coming out of the Convention McCain-Palin now lead by 5%. Coming out of the Barackopolis on September 2nd, Obama led McCain by 8% (50%-42%), so that is a +13% swing in only one week for McCain-Palin!

When the American public contrasts the rock star appearance at the Barackopolis in Denver with the real sense of what everyday Americans heard from Minneapolis: the need to support our veterans and men and women in uniform to ensure national security, the need for a fresh start on energy independence and policies that will truly lower gas prices and real efforts for working families in the middle class to feel a strengthened U.S. economy through supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs rather than trying to destroy it through the old Liberal Biden-Kennedy tax and spend ideology that even predates the Clintons, it is clear:

America chooses John McCain and Sarah Palin!

Gallup Daily: McCain's Bounce Gives Him 5-point Lead
Leads Obama 49%-44% in first results conducted fully after GOP convention

PRINCETON, NJ -- John McCain leads Barack Obama, 49% to 44%, in the immediate aftermath of the Republican National Convention, according to the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking results.

These results are based on Sept. 5-7 interviewing, and are the first in which all interviews were conducted following the completion of the GOP convention. Immediately prior to the convention's Sept. 1 start, Aug. 29-31 interviewing showed McCain with 43% support among registered voters, compared with 49% today. Thus, Gallup credits McCain with a six-point convention bounce.

Johm McCain and Sarah Palin to Appear in Northern Virginia - All Hands on Deck Call

This will be "the" rally to attend. The mainstream media will be all over the place for this rally and will be unable to deny that VA is headed firmly into the Red Column! Great event!

For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office
Monday, September 8, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign announced that John McCain and Sarah Palin will campaign in Virginia on Wednesday, September 10th. John McCain and Sarah Palin will hold a campaign rally in Fairfax at Fairfax High School.

Virginia Campaign Co-Chair, Attorney General Bob McDonnell said, "Virginians are ecstatic to have the next President and Vice President of the United States bring their message of reform and leadership to Virginia. The campaign rally in Fairfax is not far from Washington D.C. and I can guarantee that the big spenders in Washington will be able to hear the McCain-Palin message on Wednesday that change is coming their way. John McCain and Sarah Palin are proven leaders with a strong record of reform who will go to Washington, shake up the status quo and make government work better for hard-working American families."

Voters can obtain tickets by going to the McCain Virginia website at or by visiting one of the Virginia Victory offices on Monday, September 8th from 12:00 p.m. EDT to 9:00 p.m. EDT and Tuesday, September 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EDT.

John McCain and Sarah Palin
WHAT: McCain-Palin Campaign Rally
WHEN: Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Doors open at 8:00 a.m. (Tickets required)
McCain-Palin Rally begins at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Fairfax High School
3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax, VA 22030

Attorney General Conference Call Announces Palin in Virginia Beach

Save the Date:

Although Details are yet to be finalized, on a conference call with supporters last week the Attorney General of Virginia, Bob McDonnell, conveyed that Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska and the next Vice President, intends to visit the AG's old stomping grounds in Virginia Beach on Thursday, September 18, 2008.

Stay tuned...

ICYMI: Virginia Women for McCain Big Hit; Strong Women Make Renewed All Hands on Deck Call to Support Palin!


For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today issued the following statement regarding Governor Sarah Palin's acceptance of the vice presidential nomination, making her only the second woman in American history to run on a major party ticket.


U.S. Representative Thelma Drake, Virginia Campaign Honorary Statewide Co-Chair:

"Tonight was an exciting and historic night for our Republican delegates in St. Paul and for our country. Governor Palin successfully made the case to the millions of viewers at home for why a McCain-Palin administration will be able to strengthen our economy, protect us on the home front, and provide American families with relief at the pump. Sarah Palin wasn't afraid to challenge the status quo in Anchorage and she will bring the same maverick streak to the nation's capital. She is a woman of great courage and a proven ability to achieve results, not just empty promises. Voters in Virginia and across the country are becoming invigorated at the opportunity to support a ticket that will restore the basic Republican principles of fiscal responsibility and reforming government."

Susan Allen, Former First Lady of Virginia, Women for McCain:

"Tonight was an historic night for women across our great country. It was thrilling to watch Governor Sarah Palin as she showed American voters that she is a strong leader, effective reformer, and ready to take on Washington. To change Washington, it's going to take a team of mavericks who have a record of accomplishment in shaking up the status quo. Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her time in office that she is ready to be vice president. Sarah Palin makes John McCain's ticket even stronger because, like him, she is a leader and a reformer who knows how to get things done for American families. Washington is broken and John McCain will fix it with the help of Sarah Palin."

Lori Ann Miller, Women for McCain from Alexandria, Young Republican Federation of Virginia Chairman:

"Sarah Palin's speech tonight has energized voters in Virginia to back a presidential ticket of real, proven reform. John McCain and Sarah Palin are strong leaders with the undeniable reputation of shaking things up. That's what we need in Washington in order to accomplish real reform and achieve real results when it comes to a stronger economy, stronger military and energy independence. Governor Palin has a record of accomplishment that Barack Obama simply doesn't have. She has spent her time in office reforming government in Alaska while Barack Obama has spent his time in office running for president. Sarah Palin is exactly who we need in Washington to help John McCain get real results for hard working families like mine. As a young professional and mother-to-be, I am proud to campaign for John McCain and Sarah Palin."


Virginia Young Republican Chairman and Women for McCain Convey Renewed Excitement Over McCain-Palin Ticket

After a successful appearance defending Governor Palin on mainstream media network CBS, the Statewide Chairman of the Virginia Young Republicans, Lori-Ann Miller, along with fellow Virginia Young Republican, Kerry Finnegan, appeared on local TV affiliate Channel 8 in the Northern Virginia - D.C. Market. Both Chairman Miller and Ms. Finnegan conveyed how young professional women are excited about this historic opportunity for women everywhere to really have their voice heard through Governor Palin and how the indeed has the executive experience to handle the job. Unlike the State Senate in Illinois, an executive has to actually make decisions and cannot simply Vote PRESENT like Senator Obama. It is clear that many young women are put off by "Us" magazine and the MSNBC Crew taking repeated sexist pot shots at the Governor asking her questions, they would never ask Barack H. Obama.

Channel 8 aired this Pro-Palin segment on Friday, Sept. 5, 2008 at 5:00pm and we hope to hear much more from Women for McCain as we advance the McCain-Palin ticket to the goal line. The GOP Convention bounce over the disastrous Brittney Spears inspired - Barackopolis/Temple of Obama Dem Convention debacle clearly helped us out!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin's Phenomenal Performance Has Dems in Panic-Mode

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Governor Palin rocked the house last night set up by an amazing speech by America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani. After all of the mudslinging and personal attacks against the Palin family, the Governor delivered a frightening blow to the hard left.

The media bias is so profound because they know Senator McCain made the one pick they had not thought about or how to ruin. Sarah Palin is an excellent choice and we will continue to defend her and show her great attributes unlike the Left would do for Senator Clinton.

As one of our many steps to fight back, Young Republican Federation of Virginia Chairman, Lori-Ann Miller appeared on CBS yesterday, Channel 9 WUSA in the DC and Northern Virginia markets to defend Governor Palin and convey how excited professional women like her are about our new Vice Presidential nominee. A historic choice for all voters this fall. YRFV Chairman Miller countered the Emily's List Director that Govenor Palin indeed does have the executive experience at the local Mayor level and Statewide level to help Senator McCain win in November. It is good to see a statewide leader fight back and defend the Governor.

Click here to view YRFV Chairman Lori-Ann Miller's appearance on CBS News.

Fred Thompson Wows the RNC Crowd on Tuesday Night

On Tuesday night, Fred Thompson delivered the type of speech that Conservatives, Moderates and Right-Thinking Democrats were waiting for. He and his wife Jerri will be excellent McCain advocates over these next few months. As a FredHead who went to SC to support his campaign, he delivered what was needed as we ramped up toward last night and tonight's feature.

Here are excerpts from FDT's speech:

Tonight our thoughts are still with our friends and fellow citizens in the Gulf Coast area, and our thanks go to those who have worked so hard to keep them safe. There can be no more important work than this.

But what we are doing at this convention is also important to our country.We are going to nominate the next President and Vice President of the United States of America. We do so while taking a different view of our country than that of the other party. Listening to them you'd think that we were in the middle of a great depression; that we are down, disrespected and incapable of prevailing against challenges facing us.

We know that we have challenges ... always have, always will.But we also know that we live in the freest, strongest, most generous and prosperous nation in the history of the world and we are thankful.

Speaking of the vice presidential nominee, what a breath of fresh air Governor Sarah Palin is. She is from a small town, with small town values, but that's not good enough for those folks who are attacking her and her family. Some Washington pundits and media big shots are in a frenzy over the selection of a woman who has actually governed rather than just talked a good game on the Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail circuit. Well, give me a tough Alaskan Governor who has taken on the political establishment in the largest state in the Union -- and won -- over the beltway business-as-usual crowd any day of the week.Let's be clear ... the selection of Governor Palin has the other side and their friends in the media in a state of panic. She is a courageous, successful, reformer, who is not afraid to take on the establishment. Sound like anyone else we know? She has run a municipality and she has run a state. And I can say without fear of contradiction that she is the only nominee in the history of either party who knows how to properly field dress a moose ... with the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt. She and John McCain are not going to care how much the alligators get irritated when they get to Washington, they're going to drain that swamp.

But tonight, I'd like to talk to you about the remarkable story of John McCain.It's a story about character.

John McCain's character has been tested like no other presidential candidate in the history of this nation. He comes from a military family whose service to our country goes back to the Revolutionary War. The tradition continues. As I speak, John and Cindy McCain have one son who's just finished his first tour in Iraq.Another son is putting "Country First" and is attending the Naval Academy. We have a number of McCains in the audience tonight.

Because John McCain stood up our country is better off. The respect he is given around the world is not because of a teleprompter speech designed to appeal to American critics abroad, but because of decades of clearly demonstrated character and statesmanship. There has been no time in our nation's history, since we first pledged allegiance to the American flag, when the character, judgment and leadership of our President was more important.

Because tonight our country is calling to all of us to step up, stand up, and put "Country First" with John McCain. Tonight we are being called upon to do what is right for our country. Tonight we are being called upon to stand up for a strong military ... a mature foreign policy ... a free and growing economy and for the values that bind us together and keep our nation free.

Tonight, we are being called upon to step up and stand up with John just as he has stood up for our country.Our country is calling. John McCain cannot raise his arms above his shoulders.He cannot salute the flag of the country for which he sacrificed so much.

Tonight, as we begin this convention week, yes, we stand with him.And we salute him.We salute his character and his courage.His spirit of independence, and his drive for reform.His vision to bring security and peace in our time, and continued prosperity for America and all her citizens. For our own good and our children's, let us celebrate that vision, that belief, that faith so we can keep America the greatest country the world has ever seen.

God bless John McCain and God bless America.