Wednesday, March 5, 2008

McCain Wins Republican 2008 Presidential Nomination! The 2008 Race Begins Today...

Clean sweep. Johnny Mac wins all four primaries: Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Click here to watch John McCain's victory speech from Dallas, Texas. Transcript below. Senator McCain comes up big with some well-delivered lines furthering his message that united together, we, the United States of America, lead the World, we make history, we do not fall prey to it.
Remarks By John McCain On Tonight's Primary Victories
From the McCain '08 Newsroom
March 4, 2008 [Note: This is my favorite part below]
ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the following remarks by John McCain as prepared for delivery tonight in Dallas, Texas:


Nothing is inevitable in America. We are the captains of our fate. We're not a country that prefers nostalgia to optimism; a country that would rather go back than forward. We're the world's leader, and leaders don't pine for the past and dread the future. We make the future better than the past. We don't hide from history. We make history. That, my friends, is the essence of hope in America, hope built on courage, and faith in the values and principles that have made us great. I intend to make my stand on those principles and chart a course for our future greatness, and trust in the judgment of the people I have served all my life. So stand up with me, my friends, stand up and fight for America -- for her strength, her ideals, and her future. The contest begins tonight. It will have its ups and downs. But we will fight every minute of every day to make certain we have a government that is as capable, wise, brave and decent as the great people we serve. That is our responsibility and I will not let you down.



AuntSarah said...

Thanks to the people of New Hampshire, REALLY!

AuntSarah said...

Almost everyone on TV keeps talking about Senator Obama's speeches. I thought what he did so well on Tuesday night was take his vision from 30,000feet to 300,000feet. (Of course he's on the wrong path, though. You'd think he could see THAT!) My favorite McCain quote has been, "I'm the expert on this...The correct answer is NO!" From the Reagan Library Debate. Come on, can it get better that THAT? Now that may be just My Favorite Quote in January. (Don't tell anyone that I watch so much TV.)