Thursday, March 6, 2008

Rasmussen Pennsylvania Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Democrats Support John McCain

3:00 A.M. TV ad backfires on Lightweight '08 Democrat Candidates!

Friends, you heard it right. Pennsylvania is McCain Country!

Nearly 1/4 of Male Democrat Primary Voters in Pennsylvania Support American Hero, "Tough as Nails" and the Sage Experience of John McCain on what matters most! Overall, 15% of the ENTIRE Democrat electorate in Pennsylvania support Johnny Mac!

Pennsylvania Democratic Presidential Primary
Pennsylvania: Clinton 52% Obama 37%
Rasmussen Reports
March 6, 2008

It is possible that the Clinton commercial about a 3:00 a.m. phone call at the White House has helped in Pennsylvania (see the commercial). Most Likely Democratic Primary voters have either seen the ad or have heard about it. Forty-eight percent (48%) of Likely Democratic Primary voters say that if such a call came, they’d want Clinton in the White House to answer it. Thirty percent (30%) would rather see Obama while 15% of these Democratic voters would prefer the Republican nominee, John McCain, to answer the call. Among men, 23% prefer McCain.

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