Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Future Leaders for McCain Coalition Doing Its Part to Win Virginia for McCain-Palin

(Pictured above the Future Leaders for McCain Coaltion rallying at the Fairfax County McCain HQ before we headed out to campaign for McCain-Palin, Governor Gilmore for Senate and Candidate Keith Fimian for Congress (VA-11))
This past Saturday on October 4, 2008, over 65 volunteers from the Future Leaders for McCain Coalitiion conducted a Door-to-Door amd Phonebanking GOTV effort in Fairfax County!
The Future Leaders for McCain Coalition - Virginia Chapter personally knocked on nearly 3,300 doors and made nearly 4,900 phone calls to voters in Northern Virginia.
Our Future Leaders for McCain volunteers came from all over the Commonwealth of Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia and as far as Oklahoma!
Of course, the Future Leaders Virginia Coalition was supported by members of the Young Republican Federation of Virginia and special thanks to Maryland Victory and our Future Leaders for McCain contingent in Maryland.
Save the Date, we will have another Future Leaders for McCain effort in Northern Virginia on Saturday, October 18th. I told you we would win Virginia even if I have to make sure it happens myself.
This will be an All Hands On Deck Call for October 18th. Email here for more information.

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